UK: Equal marriage film director turns his attention to same-sex parenting

Film director Mike Buonaiuto, whose equal marriage film Homecoming became a huge online success and heralded a sea change in the media campaign for marriage equality, has now turned his attention to the issue of same-sex parenting.
Mr Buonaiuto’s new film will highlight that in almost 80% of Europe, same-sex parents have no legal recognition.
It will be released during National Adoption week in November and has the support of EU groups NELFA, ILGA-EUROPE and BAAF.
It will also urge viewers to sign a petition or write to their MP about the problem.
A behind the scenes clip of the film has now been released.
In order to cover the production costs Mr Buonaiuto is looking to raise $1,000.
He said: “Similar to the Homecoming film and campaign, all the project elements are all being produced in people’s free time, using our own money. Therefore contributions are welcome if you can support in this way”.
Donations can be made here.