US 2012: Mike Huckabee concedes things are not going to plan for Romney

Former governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee managed to mention the anti-gay fast food chain Chick-fil-A, during an interview about the latest US 2012 presidential exit polls.
Appearing on Fox News, Mr Huckabee, who ran unsuccessfully for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008 and is strongly opposed to LGBT rights, said it was “remarkable” that his former state was being projected to be taken by Mr Romney, as it had previously been held by the Democrats.
Mr Huckabee said it was a result of the president’s “left-wing” policies.
However, Mr Huckabee was force to concede that the president appeared to be doing better than the pre-election polls had predicted, especially in Ohio and North Carolina.
Mr Huckabee said: “It’s tough to knock out an incumbent – I don’t care at what level – you really have the burden if you’re the challenger”.
Mr Huckabee then appeared to suggest the widespread national disappointment about Mr Obama’s presidency, was akin to the strong level of support for Chick-fil-A’s “Appreciation Day”.