Video: Morgan Freeman says journey towards equal rights ‘has just begun’
Morgan Freeman features in a new video for the Human Rights Campaign, a charity in support of equal marriage rights, in which he says the journey towards equality “has just begun”.
Morgan Freeman has, in the past, voiced his support for equal rights, and equal marriage, and spoke on a video promoting Barack Obama in the lead up to the US Presidential Election earlier in November.
In the video, accompanied by powerful images moving from Martin Luther King Jr to same-sex couples, and LGBT families. He says:
“America stands at the dawn of a new day. Freedom, justice and human dignity have always guided our journey towards a more perfect union.
“Now across our country we are standing together for the right of gay and lesbian Americans to marry the person they love. And with historic victories for marriage, we have delivered a mandate for full equality.
“The wind is at our back, but our journey has just begun. Join us.”
Three US states, Washington, Maine and Maryland, all passed laws allowing equal marriage, on ballots on the election on 6 November. A fourth state, Minnesota, voted down Amendment 1, a constitutional amendment that would have defined marriage as being a union solely between a man and a woman.