Study: More than half of LGBT Italians believe ageing is harder for them than for heterosexuals

In a survey of LGBT Italians 55% said they are concerned about their future in Italy, and 52% said that being gay and ageing is more difficult for them than it is for straight people.
The results come from a survey conducted by sociologist Raffaele Lelleri on behalf of the union CGIL and Equality Italy, reports ANSA.
More than 2,000 LGBT Italians took part in the research, which also found that 38% said life would become worse as they age.
40% of those who responded to the survey said that they believe conditions for elderly LGBT people in Italy probably have improved compared with conditions 10 years ago, while more than 30%Â said it was probably unchanged.
Italy remains weak when it comes to LGBT rights.
At present, gender identity is not a part of official anti-discrimination legislation.
Same-sex marriages and civil partnerships are currently not recognised and same-sex couples do not have adoption rights.