US Radio host: ‘Same-sex marriage encourages children to have gay sex’

Linda Harvey, a radio host with an Ohio based Christian radio station WRFD has said that same-sex marriage is wrong because it encourages children to have gay sex.
Mrs Harvey who campaigns against equality told her ‘Mission America’ listeners that: “the homosexual lobby is skillful at manipulating public sympathy by tugging on heartstrings while not telling the whole story. Our side sometimes plays right into their hands by also not telling the whole story, even when we get the chance.”
“Until we deal with the core issue — the behavior of homosexuality — it was probably only a matter of time before our side would lose a few races,” Harvey claimed. “Homosexual marriage is wrong because two men together or two women is intrinsically disordered, the behavior is unnatural. These aren’t activities that are beneficial or healthy. Homosexual marriage is wrong because homosexuality is wrong.”
The evangelical Christian host said that there were “significant dangers to our youth” from American states making same-sex marriage legal.
“One thing our culture does not want if it wants to survive is to have its youth corrupted and this is happening in oh so many ways now, and homosexuality is one more. And here’s how it works with homosexuality: since no pregnancy threat exists, some people think there’s no reason to prohibit behaviour in the young, even the very young.”
“And that’s one of the big reasons by homosexual marriage is wrong: because the young are raised on the mores and traditions of the adults and if same sex marriage is accepted, then children will begin to consider dating and forming relationship in these very different ways; ways that will be very destabilising to many of them and to our society.”
Unlike in Britain, under ‘free speech’ constitutional amendments, radio stations are given the right to broadcast discriminatory and homophobic content. In Britain, such a broadcast would unlikely have been allowed under the Broadcast Code. Just last week, the regulator Ofcom fined an Asian radio station for broadcasting that gay people are ‘evil” and “shameful”.