Yahoo asks users if ‘homosexuality is a choice’ and 300,000 people say yes

Following the publication of research suggesting the way that homosexuality could be passed on genetically, the US internet company Yahoo has asked users if they believe homosexuality is a choice.
The poll, on the front page of what remains one of the world’s most popular websites asks: “Do you believe homosexuality is genetic?”. Users are given two choices: “Yes, biology plays a part” and “No, it’s a choice and not science.”
The answers in many ways do not reflect the question – some who do not believe in a genetic cause believe that homosexuality is as a result of the way children are nurtured. However, Yahoo’s editors seem to believe that the causes of homosexuality are either genetic or a rational and knowing decision, a choice, made by a gay man or woman.
At the time of publication 53% or 284,919 of the website’s visitors have said that homosexuality is a choice.
Dan Avery of Queerty, who alerted PinkNews to the poll told “The real question is, why does it matter if its genetic or not? It doesn’t affect whether gays and lesbians should have full equality.”
He argues that the poll is reminiscent of the BBC’s online debate ‘Should homosexuals be executed?’
The BBC eventually apologised for holding such a debate.