Brazilian student strangled to death with seatbelt in homophobic murder

Two teenagers have been arrested in connection with the murder of a 20-year-old student in Brazil, with one of the suspects declaring: “He wanted to kiss me and I wanted to kill him.”
Campo Grande News reports the two boys, both 15, were arrested on Tuesday and confessed to killing Lawrence Corrêa Biancão.
One of the boys met the victim two weeks prior to the murder when Biancão allegedly made a pass at him.
They talked and exchanged numbers.
Police say the teen spoke with a friend with whom he agreed to meet and kill Biancão, steal his car and escape.
The two teens went for a drive with Biancão on the morning of Sunday 9 December, during which they reportedly masturbated.
Before saying their goodbyes, the boy sitting behind Biancão strangled him with his seat belt.
Detective Wellington Oliveira said the boys admitted to trying to throw the victim’s body out of the car, but finding the corpse too heavy, they left the crime scene with the victim’s mobile phone, documents, car keys and car stereo.
Police found the stolen items at the home of one of the assailants, while Biancão’s body was discovered last Sunday afternoon (9 December).
The police detective said the boy who killed Biancão stated “for me, gays are vermin” – making clear this was a hate crime and robbery.
The detective remarked: “the police work is done, now it is up to the judiciary”.
LGBT group Grupo Arco-Iris says 266 people were killed in Brazil last year because of their sexual orientation – confirming Brazil’s position as the place with the most homophobic murders in the world.