KKK step in to counter ‘God Hates Fags’ picket at military memorial ceremony
Your enemy’s enemy is your friend? The Ku Klux Klan stepped in to counter a protest by the homophobic Westboro Baptist Church at the Arlington National Cemetery yesterday.
As President Obama honoured fallen soldiers, three members of the vehemently homophobic Westboro Baptist Church, home of the ‘God Hates Fags’ campaign began a picket. “Pray for more dead soldiers” and “God hates your prayers,” chanted three of its members.
The church has said it will picket the funerals of the children murdered at the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.
The church blames the increasingly progressive attitudes to homosexuality for everything that is bad that happens to Americans.
Dennis LaBonte, ‘Imperial Wizard’ of a KKK chapter said that 10 members of the group came in “support of the troops.”He aded that he’s not a “hate-monger,” and said he “thinks that it’s an absolute shame that [the WBC] show up and disrupt people’s funerals.”
God Hates Fags protestor Abigail Phelps said the KKK “have no moral authority on anything.”
“The Bible doesn’t say anywhere that it’s an abomination to be born of a certain gender or race.”