Canadian gay teacher suspended after showing class draq queen Christmas video

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A gay teacher in Vancouver Island, Canada, has been suspended with pay after showing a classĀ aged between nine and ten a video of draq queens lip-synching to Bette Middlerā€™s ā€˜Mali Kalikimakaā€™, a Hawaiian Christmas song.

Teacher Joe WinklerĀ said he showed the video to his students at Brentwood Elementary School to illustrate LGBT diversity.

ā€œWhen I found the video, I thought it would be an excellent way of introducing the children to transgender issues,ā€ CTV News reports Mr Winkler as saying to parents in an email.

ā€œAs with other LGBT issues, we have not looked at transgender as being about sex, and there was no mention or suggestion of sex in the video,ā€ the teacher said.

The video ends with a bare-chested man eating a banana.

While some parents believe the video is fine for children to view, Al Smith said: ā€œAt the end, the guyā€™s peeling the banana, acting very sexually with the bananaā€.

Mr Winkler has been suspended on full pay pending an investigation.