Video: East London man suffers anti-gay abuse from ‘Muslim Patrol’ gang

Video has surfaced of a group shouting homophobic abuse at a man in East London – with the group calling itself a “Muslim Patrol”.
The clip, first reported by The Commentator, is prefaced by a logo announcing “Islam will dominate the world”, features the sound of gun fire as its introduction, and uses an anti-gay image.
One member of the group is heard to shout: “Hello mate, don’t you know this is a Muslim area?… Why you dressed like that for? [sic]” while another member of the group shouts: “Homosexual! Homosexual!”
When the victim asks: “Why are you bothering me?” A member of the group responds: “Because you’re walking through a Muslim area dressed like a fag mate. You need to get out of here.”
The man is then described as “dirty” a “fag” and a “mug”.
A man was later convicted of a public order offence in connection with the incident.