US: Campaigners plan to pump $2 million into efforts to legalise equal marriage

In the US, a New York based equal marriage advocacy group has laid out plans to pump funds into several states’ legislative battles to legalise equal marriage.
Freedom to Marry, a national marriage equality advocacy group, donated over $700,000 (£450,000) into Minnesota’s succesful campaign last year to oppose a constitutional ban on equal marriage.
It has now said that it hoped to raise $2 million (£1.27 million) to spread across several states debating equal marriage laws.
Five states, including Minnesota, which last year avoided a constitutional ban on marriage equality, will receive $800,000 (£510,000) according to new plans by the group.
Freedom to Marry plans to spend the money in Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey and Rhode Island, as well as Minnesota.
“As we move toward securing the freedom to marry for our state, this investment shows the level of commitment and confidence that soon all loving and committed couples can join marriage in Minnesota,” Richard Carlbom, campaign manager for Minnesotans United for All Families, said in a statement.