Following the news that the vehemently anti-gay Pope Benedict XVI, who said gays were “intrinsically disordered”, is to resign at the end of this month PinkNews brings you some of his most anti-gay moments, and some of the best reactions to them.
As the first Pope to resign since 1415, the 85-year-old anti-gay Catholic leader became Pope Benedict XVI in April 2005 following the death of John Paul II. Since assuming the top job in the Catholic Church, he has pursued a staunchly anti-gay doctrine.
While we cannot claim a thoroughly scientific approach to the rankings, the stories are ordered through a combination of how widely read they were and how much debate they provoked.
10. He was featured in several ads which caused controversy. A 2011 Bennetton advert featured him locked in a gay kiss with Sheik Ahmed Muhammaed el-Tayeb, a leading Egyptian theologian and Imam of the 1000-year-old Al-Azhar Mosque.
The Vatican said: “This shows a grave lack of respect for the Pope”, and the advert, which was blown up and draped over a bridge in Rome was taken down.
The ASA said it was unlikely to cause widespread offence.
In a speech to members of the Pontifical Council for the Family, the Pope stated:
“While the church’s mission was to protect minors, unfortunately, in different instances, certain of its members went against this commitment and violated rights.”
A study by the US Catholic Church declared that the abuse was not linked to homosexuality.
Several protests called for the Pope to be prosecuted over the child abuse priests’ scandal.
Four women from Ukrainian feminist group, Femen, stripped off to display the words “Shut up!”, on their fronts, and “in gay we trust” on their backs.
He was visiting St Mary’s University College where a small number of protesters, angry at his teachings on homosexuality, had gathered.
7. In 2010, in what was described as “foolish”, and a “brainstorm” exercise, rather than official UK Government policy, the Foreign Office apologised for certain suggestions made by civil servants regarding the Pope.
The leaked document suggested that Pope Benedict XVI be invited to bless a gay couple’s wedding, open up a hospital abortion ward and be presented with his own “Benedict” brand of condoms. Oops.
The Pope still visited the UK, despite this administrative error.
4. As one of very few celebrities or public figures to speak out against the Catholic Church, Lady Gaga predicted in 2012 that “gay marriage [was] going to happen” regardless of what the Pope said.
The comment formed part of an address to a meeting of 180 diplomats at the Vatican. He said: “Consequently, policies which undermine the family threaten human dignity and the future of humanity itself.”
While he unveiled the Africae Munus, which details the future of the Catholicism in the continent, the Pope reiterated his stance that condoms should not be used in place of sexual abstinence or chastity in marriage.
Two years prior, he told a journalist that condoms could cause the HIV virus to spread further, though the Vatican later appeared to reverse this statement.
The Catholic leader said: “There is also a need to acknowledge and promote the natural structure of marriage as the union of a man and a woman in the face of attempts to make it juridically equivalent to radically different types of union.
“Such attempts actually harm and help to destabilise marriage, obscuring its specific nature and its indispensable role in society”, the Pope told worshipers.