UK: Conservative councillor Mormon brothers leave party over equal marriage

Two councillors in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, have quit the Conservative Party over its push for same-sex marriage, saying it conflicts with their beliefs as Mormons.
Nick, 44, and Matt Grant, 42, who have both served as Conservative councillors since 2000 and 2006 respectively, are also members of the Mormon Church of Latter Day Saints, according to the Coventry Telegraph.
In a statement they said their faith conflicted with the stance that the party had taken on same-sex marriage, forcing them to quit after many years in the party.
“The Conservative Party leadership’s proposals for ‘same-sex marriage’ is at odds with our personal position (as committed Christians) and belief in what traditional marriage is,” they said.
They added that they saw marriage as “not a political matter, but exclusively a religious matter,” and as such did not believe the government should legislate on something “ordained by God”.
“No mortal man has the right to redefine that which God has decreed,” they said.
The brothers added: “Our position is not homophobic in any way. We did not oppose the introduction of ‘civil partnerships’ and the legal equality that this introduced for same-sex couples.
“Same-sex marriage – as we, and many others see it – is an intrusion of politics into an area of sincerely held religious beliefs.”
The resignation took place immediately, but the brothers will continue to represent their constituents as Independent councillors.
Nuneaton council is left with six Conservative seats against 24 Labour seats.