US Televangelist: Equal marriage in England and Wales signals ‘the beginning of the end’

A US Christian televangelist has written that moves towards marriage equality in England and Wales were “alarming”, that it could lead to the end of the world, and that “Western civilisation” would end up in hell if it doesn’t “wake up.”
Writing for the Christian Post, Televangelist Michael Youssef, wrote a piece criticising moves towards equality, and saying that a rift was forming in the Conservative Party, and suggested that David Cameron had caused irreversible damage to his party.
He wrote: “On February 5, Britain’s House of Commons voted in favor of legalizing gay marriage. The vote is extremely alarming. It could signal the beginning of the end for Western civilization as we know it.
“The idea of same-sex marriage is troubling even to some homosexuals, let alone those who hold a biblical conviction that marriage is intended by the Creator to be between a man and a woman.
“The vote, which was 400-175, represented a major crack in the Conservative Party. More than half of its 303 members voted against or abstained from the measure. Prime Minister David Cameron may go down in history as the man who hammered the last nail in the Conservative Party coffin.”
He spoke of the next steps for the bill, which is currently being scrutinised by the Public Bills Committee, before moving on to the House of Lords, saying that he hoped the bill would be torn apart in its later stages.
“The hope now lies within the House of Lords. But that’s a fragile hope. Even if they kill off this troubling legislation, it will only die for a season. The homosexual lobby will bring it up again and again and again. They are tenacious and even vicious. Voters against the legislation have received abuse and even death threats. David Burrowes, a ministerial aide, has been called a ‘Nazi.'”
Mr Youssef went on to suggest that legalising equal marriage would lead to polygamy, and said that the British Muslim population wanted equal marriage legislation to pass in order to make attempts to legalise polygamous marriages, Right Wing Watch reports.
He said: “And this I can predict with certainty: the next group in England to seek similar legislation for their cause will be the polygamists. Muslims in England have been waiting for this legislation to pass before trying to get their legal right to marry four wives.
“It is hardly a secret in England that many Muslims claim welfare benefits for multiple wives while the British government turns a blind eye to the hemorrhaging of taxpayer money.
“Every time Western civilization seems to reach the bottom, one discovers a new low even farther down the pit. If Western populations don’t wake up, before long they will find themselves all the way in the Lake of Fire with the devil laughing his head off.”