Anti-gay evangelist Scott Lively claims to have found proof that Obama is gay

US Christian Evangelist Scott Lively, has posted an article claiming that President Barack Obama is gay, claiming to have proof, because he went on a weekend trip with an aide, but without Michelle.
An article titled “Obama Vacations with Reggie Love, Not Michelle”, appeared on Defend the Family. It simply contained part of an itinerary which stated that Obama would return from a trip, with aide Reggie Love, and that Michelle Obama wasn’t in attendance, reports Right Wing Watch.
It read: “More ‘gay’ grist for the rumor mill,” and linked to the itinerary which said: “AF1 wheels down Andrews at 7:45pm. POTUS [President Obama] came back to have a 10-minute off the record talk with pool at the end of the flight.
“Reggie Love departed AF1 soon after POTUS, apparently a guest for the weekend.”
Scott Lively previously pushed rumours that President Obama was gay, and that he was married to a man whilst attending college. Those rumours were unproven.
Mr Lively co-authored the book, The Pink Swastika, which says in its introduction: “homosexuals [are] the true inventors of Nazism and the guiding force behind many Nazi atrocities”, and he is the former state director for California for the American Family Association.