Somalia: Man stoned to death for alleged sexual act with teenage boy

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A militant official and a Somali resident say al-Shabab fighters have stoned toĀ death a man for carrying out an allegedĀ sex act on a 13-year-old boy.

Associated Press reports MogadishuĀ resident, Yusuf Abdi,Ā said the group buried a blindfolded man to his waist last Friday and threwĀ stones at him until he died.

APĀ saidĀ an al-Shabab official claimed a judge sentenced the man to death because he reportedly forced a 13-year-old boy to have sex with him.

Sheikh Ibrahim Ali, a Somali religious leader in Mogadishu, said one strict reading of Islamic law, is that a married man who engages in a homosexual act should be killed.

Meanwhile, a Facebook group called ‘Somali Gay Community’ and other LGBT media outlets published photos on aĀ page said to depict the stoning, though itĀ appears that several of the imagesĀ were from another incident in 2009.

Under Article 409 of the Somali Penal Code sexual intercourse with a person of the same sex is punishable by imprisonment from three months to three years.

The US Department of State’s 2010 Human Rights Report found that in Somalia ā€œsexual orientation was considered a taboo topic, and there was no public discussion of this issue in any region of the country.”

Somalia has a population of around 10 million inhabitants and most of the populationĀ are Muslim.

Sharia law, which can prescribe the death penalty for homosexual acts, plays a key role in the countryā€™s legal system.

Somaliaā€™s constitution stipulates that no law that is inconsistent with the basic tenets of Sharia law can be enacted.