Bryan Fischer to caller: ‘Get out of gay-friendly church before it destroys your family’

The American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer, has advised a caller who phoned into his radio programme to “get out” of a church which accepts gay people as it will “destroy” her children.
Speaking on Focal Point, the caller named Vicky asked advice on her church, which accepted gay people, and Fischer responds saying that she should leave the church, and find a different church which opposes homosexuality as a “healthy” alternative.
He says: “I’m going to tell you as directly and with as much energy as I can – you need to get out of there, and you need to get your kids out of there. That’s the wrong environment for you, it’s the wrong environment for your children. They’re going to be in an environment where homosexuality is presented as a normal, healthy alternative to heterosexuality.
“You do not want them to get that deception and that falsehood into their heads, because if they believe that, and they act on that, it will destroy them. It will destoy them. It will destroy them in body, and soul and spirit.
“Don’t even go back this Sunday,” Fischer continues. “You find a church where you’ve got a happily married pastor who believes in the family, teaches the truth that honours marriage and has a biblical view of homosexuality.
“It is a sin, it is not something that a healthy society ought to embrace, you find somewhere like that to worship and take your family.”
In their discussion they mentioned Tony Perkins, the president of the anti-gay Family Research Council who previously claimed that the US Supreme Court ruling in favour of equal marriage could lead to “revolution”.