Scotland: Teacher tells student ‘it’s ok to be gay’ and drunkenly climbs into bed with pupil

A male teacher who admitted asking a pupil if he was “camp” and then advising him that it was “ok to be gay these days” has been struck off for indecent conduct.
Music teacher Steven Watt, 41, admitted six charges at a General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) hearing, including being intoxicated whilst caring for and being in control of a group of children.
It was claimed Watt got drunk at a band camp and climbed into a boy’s bed in October 2011.
He drove away next morning still intoxicated.
Parts of the hearing were held in private in order to protect the identity of the children involved and the teacher’s school was not publicly revealed, but the incident happened while he was employed by Angus Council.
Watt told the hearing in Edinburgh: “I am devastated by what’s happened. I love teaching so much. I feel I have been a great teacher for 17 years.
“I just want to get back to school even if its supply work while there are other adults in the room.
“Music is my life and I feel I’ve got so much more to give. I’ll never drink again.”
But the GTCS hearing in Edinburgh struck Watt from the register and told him a period of two years would have to pass before he could apply to re-register with the council.
The panel, chaired by David Brunton, also suggested that Watt’s name should be referred to ministers under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007.