US Radio host: Gay news websites are covered with porn that is turning teens gay

PinkNews logo surrounded by illustrated images including a rainbow, unicorn, PN sign and pride flag.

Linda Harvey, the US radio host who hasĀ previously claimed that gay people are not human, has claimed that LGBT news publications are turning children gay.

Mrs Harvey claimed on her Mission America radio programme that homosexual-themed pornography is “extremely accessible” to young people on gay news websites. PinkNewsĀ has banned all pornographic imagery and adverts since it was founded eight years ago. None of the current major US LGBT websites allow pornographic imagery either.

Mrs Harvey told her listeners that she has “gotten calls over the years from parents who are brokenhearted because a young son or daughter has revealed a homosexual preference. My role is not to be a psychologist but I try to share some resources with parents who are coping with such a tough situation and they often share with me that pornography played a part, particularly with boys, in convincing them to believe they are gay. But usually by the time this comes out the feelings and fantasies have been nurtured for years. It seems to me that in the present climate where schools, Hollywood and even the top leaders in our country are all busy selling homosexuality to kids that we have to watch those other deceptive influences that can chime in on top of all this to stir feelings in a young person that were not in play before.”

She added: “Internet pornography can be the kerosene on an already simmering fire of adolescent hormones and confusion, and these feelings can bring them to precisely the wrong conclusion. Manipulating feelings in the wrong direction is what pornography does anyway. Homosexual-themed pornography is extremely accessible to young people if they ever visit any websites covering the gay agenda as news. For instance, if your child was during a report on same-sex marriage just researching the political issue and visiting sites that are sympathetic to the social and political goals of the homosexual movement may quickly bring them in touch with explicit images because many of the homosexual news blogs have soft-porn gay dating sites or worse as ads. So what is the reaction of your son or daughter to such graphic images?

“If they feel a curiosity it may start a process of wondering if they could be homosexual. This is not true of course but the really tragic thing is they are not likely to share this question with you the parent, it just seems too personal. If they follow up and visit these sites some will experience sexual feelings and mistake these for the pervasive fiction of some inborn gay identity. After all, isnā€™t this the message that kids get everywhere that ā€˜some of you are destined for homosexuality and there is nothing you can do about it so just go with it and be proudā€™? All of this, of course, is a lie. Adolescents will feel sexual feelings because they are in puberty and erotic images can evoke in an often unhealthy way a human sexual response.”

The Christian radio host in December said that same-sex marriage encourages children to have gay sexĀ and thatĀ gay people arenā€™t human and should therefore not be protected under the US constitution.Ā She also claimed thatĀ Jesus could be forced to marry another man if he wasĀ resurrected.