US: Boy Scouts vote on gay members set for 23 May

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have revealed that a decision on whether to allow openly gay scouts to be members will be held on Thursday 23 May, after a drawn-out period of deliberation which has revealed deep divisions on the issue within the association.
The proposal will be put before the 1,400 members of BSA’s National Council in Grapevine, Texas on Thursday.
It suggests a compromise to allow openly gay scouts but not leaders, which angered equality leaders.
Peter Morales, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) said: “It falls short of ensuring equality for gay scout leaders.
“Unitarian Universalists remain hopeful that there is still time to persuade the BSA to move from discrimination and prejudice to inclusion and respect for all Americans who wish to participate in scouting.”
The council is backing a resolution which states that no youth or adult should be excluded “as a leader, volunteer or staff member solely based on their sexual orientation or preference.”