Lib Dem Deputy Leader Simon Hughes: ‘Marriage should be between one man and one woman’

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Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader Simon Hughes, has said during the debate around the Marriage (same sex couples) Bill today, that he believes marriage should be “between one man and one woman”.

The openly bisexual MP said he thought that marriage was “gender complimentary”, and that it should be between straight couples only.

“I believe that marriage is ordained by God. I believe it is traditionally ordained by God as between one man and one woman”.

He went on to say that marriage should be for “the creation of children,” and that he had taken a “traditional”, and “Christian”, view on marriage.

MPs voted 340 to 150 to reject the amendment. Mr Hughes voted for the amendment.

Yesterday, speaking during the debate, Mr Hughes said: ā€œI have three relevant interests. First, I have struggled with the issue of sexuality since I was a teenager, like my hon. FriendĀ Stephen Williams. I remember that at school it was not an easy issue in the slightest.

ā€œEverybody knew that there were gay people at school, but it was never taught or spoken about formally. Secondly, I am chair of the board of governors of a Church of England primary school. Thirdly, I am a trustee of a Church of England secondary school. We have excellent teachers who do their jobs very well, but I have to say that there is still some nervousness.ā€

Last weekĀ Maria Miller, the Minister for Equalities, rejected a claim made by Mr Hughes that same-sex marriage is being ā€œfast trackedā€ through Parliament without the proper consultations.

Yesterday, the bill risked being derailed and required the support of Labour MPs to overcome a potentially lethal wrecking amendment.

TheĀ Marriage (Same Sex Couples) BillĀ is to receive a third and final Commons reading throughout this afternoonĀ andĀ evening.