US: Boy Scouts of America lifts national ban on gay youth members
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) on Thursday ended its long-time ban on gay youth members, after its national council voted to lift the national ban.
The final vote took place today, in Dallas-Fort Worth, Grapevine, where over 60% of the 1,400 strong national council of local leaders, voted to lift the national ban.
The decision will allow local scouting troops to decide on whether to permit gay members, however leaves in place a policy which forbids openly gay adult volunteers and staff.
The LA council backed a resolution which states that no youth or adult should be excluded “as a leader, volunteer or staff member solely based on their sexual orientation or preference.”
The Boy Scouts of America is currently embroiled in a debate over whether to lift its ban on gay volunteers, members and staff. In February, it delayed the vote until May “due to the complexity of the issue”.