Tweet reveals co-operation between Conservatives and Labour in equal marriage debate

One of the more unusual sights that have been seen in the same-sex marriage debates is the co-operation between the Labour and Coalition front benches. The leadership of all three parties support same-sex marriage.
PinkNews spotted a sweet conversation on Twitter this morning between Barnoness Royall, the leader of the Labour party in the House of Lords and Baroness Stowell, the Conservative peer with responsibility for the legislation in the Lords.
@tinastowell was brilliant yesterday. There couldn’t be a better Minister to také #equalmarriage through. She has our full support.
— Janet Royall (@LabourRoyall) June 5, 2013
@labourroyallThank you so much Jan. It’s really good to be able to work together to achieve something so important. Thank you.— Tina Stowell (@tinastowell) June 5, 2013