Tasmanian marriage equality advocates urge state Upper House to revisit equal marriage

Tasmanian marriage equality advocates have called on the state Upper House to revisit same-sex marriage after a bill on the issue was voted down in the Federal Senate.
Spokesperson for Tasmanians United for Marriage Equality, Jackson Tegg, said: “It is clear the Federal Parliament has let down the majority of Australians who support marriage equality and now it’s up to Tasmania to lead the way.”
“Tasmania has much to gain and nothing to lose from taking the initiative on a reform that a majority of Tasmanians support and most Australians now believe is inevitable.”
“This is a reform which creates a more inclusive society, strengthens relationships and families, and will boost the economy.”
“We call on Upper House members to allow the Same-Sex Marriage Bill to be re-introduced and to pass it.”
Yesterday, the Federal Senate voted down a bill from Greens’ Senator, Sarah Hanson-Young, that would have recognised overseas same-sex marriages.
Tasmania was the first state to move forward on same-sex marriage last year when a bill was passed in the Lower House but blocked by two votes in the Upper House.