Ivan Massow: The gay scene is ‘obsessed’ with destructive drugs and sex leading to HIV

Gay millionaire and prominent Tory supporter Ivan Massow says today’s gay scene seems “obsessed” with “drugs” and “sex” resulting in an empty world of hedonism.
Writing in the London Evening Standard ahead of this weekend’s Pride in London celebrations, the financial services entrepreneur said: “Don’t misunderstand me: I enjoy apps like Grindr (gay dating apps that supply you with a photo and precise distance of your nearest shag) as much as the next man. I admit to recreational drugs use in my distant past.
“But am I the only one to notice that the gay scene today seems obsessed with drugs? Obsessed with sex. Unable to take responsibility for its part in the spread of HIV. Inhabiting a soulless and empty world of hedonism.
“In fact, as many thousands prepare to descend on central London this weekend, I am finding it difficult to be proud.”
Mr Massow, who became involved with the capital’s Pride movement in the early 90s, said: “Every week the number of kids who die while out clubbing or in south London apartments from drug overdoses or choking on GHB goes up (GHB kills by causing cardio-respiratory arrest or choking when mixed with alcohol). The clubs in Vauxhall have such severe drug issues that they now pay a levy to St Thomas’ Hospital.
“Prosecutions are practically non-existent, as the gay scene hides behind its new anti-discrimination laws and calls any such policing ‘homophobic’.”
Mr Massow said: “Yet it’s even becoming fashionable to inject, or as they’re calling it, ‘slam’. The comparatively innocent ecstasy pill of the early nineties has been replaced with ‘crystal’ and methadone at so-called chill-outs — a euphemism for sex parties now principally responsible for the spread of HIV.
“Meanwhile, kids advertise ‘BB only’ on gay pick-up sites, treating HIV as an inconvenience that it’s easier to get out of the way quickly. BB, ‘bare-back’, means no condoms allowed.”
Mr Massow warned: “We, the gay community, are becoming a group of people who suddenly have everything and nothing, all at once.
“I don’t want our community to deal with this just because I find our behaviour embarrassing. God only knows I’ve embarrassed myself enough not to throw stones. I think fun in moderation is great.”
He added: “I’m making the point because it’s a miserable way to live. Chemically induced highs and kids addicted to ‘chem-sex’ is all fake bollocks. Bollocks that leads to depression and, frequently, death. Bollocks that is just plain boring and ultimately empty.”