US: Fox Host who previously defended equal marriage now says it could legalise polygamy

Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, who previously said that there is no persuasive argument against equal marriage, yesterday said that if same-sex marriage were a constitutional right, then “pluralists” could also legalise polygamy.
Back in April, the Fox News presenter was labelled a “charlatan” and a “fraud” by a Conservative US talk show host for supporting equal marriage.
Following comments he made on the talk show ‘CBS This Morning’, however, O’Reilly seems to have once again changed his stance on the issue of same-sex equality.
He argued: “I don’t buy into the fact that homosexuals have a constitutional right to marry. I don’t believe that, because if that were true, then pluralists would, then Mormons could have more than one — you know, all of that.
“But I do respect the fact that gay people want to be treated the same as everybody else. I understand and I respect it.”
He also made comments suggesting that the US should avoid fighting a “civil war” over the issue, and that states should decide for themselves whether or not to adopt same-sex marriage laws.
In March, O’Reilly claimed that “The compelling argument is on the side of homosexuals. That’s where the compelling argument is. ‘We’re Americans, we just want to be treated like everybody else.”
But he also concluded: “The gay marriage thing, I don’t feel that strongly about it one way or the other. I think the states should do it.”