Anti-gay group accuses Fox News of caving into ‘pro-homosexual bias’
An anti-gay American group has attacked Fox News for caving into the “pro-homosexual agenda” and has compiled a 92 page report outlining change at the station that should concern family values conservatives.
America’s SurvivalĀ Inc claim that Fox News has softened it’s stance on homosexuality and note key changes at the channel that demonstrate this.
It has complied a report called “Unfair, unbalanced and Afraid: Fox News’ Growing Pro-Homosexual Bias and the National Lesbian and Gay Journalist Association” in which it claims that reporter Megyn Kelly’s move to prime time is an example of the station’s growing drift to the left. They label her a “New Hero to the Gay Lobby.”
The report goes onto declare that Fox News no longer represents the voices of those on the other side of the issue such as successful “ex gays” and only one side of the issue of the debate are ever “humanized.”
The report also attacks gay people over sexually transmitted diseases and complains that “silence = death for conservatism” if Fox News do not get to grips with the issue.