US: Anti-gay group attacks state Supreme Court’s ruling against photographer who refused gay wedding

An anti-gay group in the US has attacked the New Mexico Supreme Court after it ruled that business owners have to offer the same services to gay couples as they would to straight couples.
The New Mexico Supreme Court yesterday ruled against Elane Photography after the company refused to provide services to a lesbian couple due to the business owners religious beliefs.
The court’s ruling said: “When you open a business, you are opening your doors to all people in your community, not just the select few who share your personal beliefs,”
Anti-gay, National Organization for Marriage (NOM) president, Brian Brown today released a statement attacking the court, claiming that religious rights were being infringed upon on.
Brown explained that the decision was wrong and unfair compromise as “beliefs are constitutionally protected.” The statement stated that, “people of faith should not be coerced to denying their beliefs or losing their livelihoods,”
Concluding, Brown said: “There are plenty of photographers, bed and breakfast owners, or florists who would happily serve same-sex ceremonies. However, same-sex ‘marriage’ activists are not concerned with getting service, but instead forcing Americans of faith to compromise their beliefs and support something they know is objectively wrong.”
The National Organization for Marriage has previously made homophobic statements and adverts, they were the group behind the infamous Gathering Storm advert that attacked equal marriage in California.