US: Gay couple become first to marry in Illinois after judge rules because of terminal illness

A same-sex couple became the first in the US state of Illinois to marry, as a judge ruled they should be granted a marriage licence six months early as one of them has terminal cancer.
Ms Gray is currently terminally ill with cancer, which has spread to her bones and brain. Doctors have told her she is not expected to live until June.
The couple married in a private ceremony on Wednesday just days after Judge Durkin’s ruling.
“This is the realization of a very long cherished dream for them both,” Camilla Taylor, the head of Lambda Legal, which helped represent the couple, said before the ceremony.
Continuing, she said it means that Ms Ewert will be better protected by benefits related to marriage, but not civil unions.
Human rights advocates have speculated that this case may be the beginning of efforts to bring forward the effective date of the law signed by Governor Quinn.
He has said he would sign a bill to change the date if it came to his desk. “The sooner the better”, he said.