Sex survey finds 1 in 10 gay men doesn’t know his HIV status

A survey of a thousand men on their sex lives run by Gay Times Magazine has found that ten percent of respondents did not know their HIV status.
The 40-question survey was filled in by a thousand GT (Gay Times) readers, which found that 57.4% of respondents had in the past had bareback casual or anonymous sex.
Half of those who responded said they had been dogging, cottaging or used a glory hole and a third said they had slept with a woman.
On HIV status, 82% said they knew they were HIV-negative, while 10% said they didn’t know and 7.2% said they knew they were HIV-positive.
They survey also found that 7.4% of respondents said they had slept with between 100 and 199 men, 6.7% with between 200 and 399 men and 3.9% have bedded more than 500 men.
GT’s editor, Darren Scott, said, “It’s been far too long since any gay magazine has done a sex survey on this scale, so what better time than Gay Times’ 30th anniversary to look at the sex lives of modern gay men? I’m delighted that our readers could be so frank with us, and it certainly paints quite a vivid picture of what gay men get up to – and how they get up to it – in 2014. It’s by no means all that shocking either – everyone’s at it, straight or gay. I applaud the gay and bisexual men that took part for being honest enough to talk about it.”
92.7% of respondents said they identify as gay, with 6.1% saying they were bisexual or bicurious and 1.2% saying they had slept with men but were unsure, or identified as straight.
The full findings of the GT Sex Survey will be published in the March edition which is currently available for digital download.