US: National Organisation for Marriage co-founder admits equal marriage will happen ‘in all 50 states’

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The co-founder of the the anti-gay National Organisation for Marriage has admitted that “we are now in the ‘gay marriage in all 50 states’ phase whether we like it or not.”

Maggie Gallagher told the Huffington Post recently that she knew same-sex marriage was inevitable when a majority of the Supreme Court ruled against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

She said: “Gay marriage advocates now have five votes for inserting a right to gay marriage in our Constitution.

“We are now in the “gay marriage in all 50 states” phase whether we like it or not.”

However, she also said the next step for her organisation would be to fight for allowing religious groups to refuse goods and services to same-sex couples.

She added: “As for social conservatives as a political movement, even to retain religious liberty protections is going to require a new and more serious engagement with politics.

“I do not think religion should be used to discriminate against gay people in everyday life and I also do not think whole professions should be closed to people who cannot affirm gay unions as marriages, because then, once in a while, a gay person will have to find another photographer.”

Previously, Gallagher criticised the decision of a New Jersey governor to sign into law a bill banning the practice of ā€œgay cureā€ therapy on minors, saying he ā€œbanned chastityā€.

In a video uncovered in 2012, the National Organisation for Marriage recommended that parents insist their college age children are careful about befriending LGBT people.