US: ‘Chick-fil-A for gays’ pro-equality fried chicken restaurant opens
A pro-gay fried chicken restaurant that provides free condoms with your meal has opened in Chicago.
Leghorn Chicken, which opened last month in Chicago’sĀ Ukrainian Village, could be a chicken restaurant of choice for those boycotting the infamously anti-gay Chick-fil-A chicken chain.
The restaurant, which states on its website that it “proudly and enthusiastically champions gay rights”, has pledged to donate 2 percent of profits to pro-gay causes, and is also promoting safe-sex by providing Leghorn-branded condoms with every meal.
They also promise not to involve religion in their chain, stating:Ā “We are emphatically uninterested in your organized religion, secular religion, agnosticism, atheism or nontheism. Whatever tickles your pickle.”
Despite the apparent homage, according to Red Eye Chicago, owner Jared Van Camp backed away from naming Chick-fil-A specifically, saying: “I would never cite any names or franchise” when asked about “a certain non-inclusive chicken franchise”.