Blue singer Lee Ryan: Twitter trolls mocking my sexuality doesn’t bother me

Blue singer Lee Ryan has said he doesn’t care what people think of his sexuality.
Ryan took to Twitter to reveal that he had been the victim of persistent jibes and rumours about his sexuality, ever since he said he had experimented with men in the past on Celebrity Big Brother.
He said: “In 2014 when individual sexuality is being celebrated, it’s odd that Twitter trolls and bullies focus on sexuality in a derogatory way.
“The claims that I am gay don’t faze me. I don’t care if people think I’m gay, why would I care? I would be proud. Sexuality doesn’t need to be defended or justified.
“We have created change as a society, a really brilliant change and to those people who have not yet caught up to 2014 (for whatever reason) please just open your minds and begin to think #equal.
“Everyone is allowed to be individual.”
On Celebrity Big Brother in January he had told housemates: “Yeah I’ve been with a man. Everyone’s done experimental s***.
“I’m a well travelled person, I’ve never admitted it anywhere. No-one’s bothered to ask.”
His mother later said: “I think it’s fantastic that young people talking about their sexuality can be celebrated without fear of repercussions.
“As a mummy I would support him in any choice he made in life.”