UK: ‘Sinister monk’ delivers leaflets in Cambridge comparing gays to paedophiles

Police are investigating homophobic leaflets delivered in Cambridge, which state that homosexuality is ‘rebellion against nature’ and will lead to paedophilia and the ‘disintegration of family life’.
Liberal Democrat councillor Sarah Brown said that the leaflets, entitled ‘Concerning the true nature of marriage and the cult of homosexuality’, had been delivered by a ‘sinister monk’-like figure.
The leaflets state:Â “The practice of homosexuality is both blasphemy against God and rebellion against nature.
“It [is] abundantly evident that a penis is made for a vagina, and not for an anus. An anus is in fact designed solely for defecation.
“Homosexuality, as well as being a sin and a vice, is essentially a neurosis, a pathological condition, the result of several factors including childhood experiences.
“Homosexualism has become a cult, and by the indoctrination of school children and regular propaganda through the media, it seeks converts.
“The general acceptance of homosexuality(…) will only lead to a continuing degeneration and corruption of morals, and the disintegration of family life. There is no such thing, and never can be any such thing as ‘gay marriage’.
“If the practice of homosexuality is acceptable, then in time any form of sexual deviation, perversion and experimentation will be acceptable, including the progressive lowering of the age of consent, taking it below the age of puberty, and thus legalizing paedophilia.”
It also attacks the Queen for signing same-sex marriage into law, saying she ‘has ceased to be a Christian ruler’, and the government, which it likens to Nazis and Communists.
Brown alleges that the police were reluctant to investigate, but Inspector Steve Poppitt of Cambridgeshire Police told Cambridge News that an investigation into the leaflets was ongoing