Anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera leaves Canada after homophobic leaflet arrest

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Anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera has finally left Canada, after an arrest for handing out ‘graphic’ homophobic leaflets on Monday.

LaBarbera, president of Americans for the Truth About Homosexuality, initially headed to the country to speak at an anti-abortion conference, and was first detained by customs at Regina International Airport on Friday.

However, after officials found no grounds to deny him entry, he was let into the country later the same day.

HeĀ was subsequently arrested on Monday alongside Canadian activistĀ Bill Whatcott, for refusing to leave a university campus where the pair were distributing homophobic leaflets.

The University of Reginaā€™s vice president, Thomas Chase, had said: ā€œThe materials were graphic and the materials were disturbing”.

LaBarbera was detained overnight on a Mischief charge, and has now left the country to head back to the US.

He later tweeted that “its (sic) great to be back on USA soil”.

LaBarbera and WhatcottĀ have May 26 court dates for the charge of mischief.

Watch the pair’s arrest, via CJME below: