US: Pennsylvania couples file for summary judgement in same-sex marriage ban case

A group representing Pennsylvania gay and lesbian couples in a same-sex marriage ban case has filed for summary judgement, which would mean a quick ruling.
However, the group will now move to request a summary judgement, which can be made much faster.
The group says there is little case for a full trial, as the state’s lawyers have not refuted their claims
There is also a huge amount of precedent in the case, due to preceding ruling in other states.
Since the US Supreme Court struck down the Defence of Marriage Act last year, 18 federal and state court decisions have addressed equality based on sexual orientation, and all of them ruled in favour of same-sex couples.
Witold J. Walczak, legal director of the Pennsylvania ALCU, said: “Today we have provided the court with moving personal stories from all of our plaintiff families describing how this ban hurts them and their loved ones. We hope the judge will see the profound harm caused by this law and strike it down.”
The state’s Attorney General and Governor recently asked to be released as defendants in the case.