Watch: United Nations releases pro-gay Bollywood music video

The United Nations has unveiled a pro-gay Bollywood music video in response to India’s sodomy law.
The video, which tells the story of a gay man bringing his new partner home to meet his family, was released to press today at the launch of the UN’s ‘Free and Equal’ campaign in Mumbai.
The short video also features Bollywood star and  former Miss India, Celina Jaitly.
The UN Human Rights Commissioner said the move represented “a significant step backwards for India and a blow for human rights.”, while the UK Foreign Office labelled it “unexpected”.
Lyrics in the video include: “It is a new look, it is a new attitude.
“You might wonder where the old way of living has gone, but who is worried about who likes what, as long as in the world of love two people want to be with eachother?”
UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon said:Â “I refuse to stand silent in the face of prejudice against LGBT members of our human family. Stigma and intolerance force millions to live in fear, shame and hiding.
“Everywhere I go, I have called for the immediate repeal of all laws criminalizing consensual, adult same-sex relationships. These laws violate basic rights to privacy and to freedom from discrimination.
“Whether enforced or not, they actively encourage intolerant attitudes — giving homophobia a State seal of approval.
“Today the United Nations and our partners issue a call to action: For an end to criminalization, for effective legal protection against discrimination, and for all members of our human family to be treated with the compassion, respect and dignity they deserve.”
According to the UN, the Free & Equal campaign “aims to raise awareness of homophobic and transphobic violence and discrimination, and encourage greater respect for the rights of LGBT people”.