MEP candidate: Ban Grindr to stop gay MPs from ‘violating democracy’

An MEP candidate standing in South East England has said there are “hundreds” of gay MPs, and that Grindr should be banned to stop them from “violating democracy”.
Julia Gasper, formerly a UKIP chair and failed Oxford city council candidate, is now standing with the English Democrats.
She wrote on her blog last month that “there are far too many homosexuals in Parliament,” taking aim at Nigel Evans MP, who was last month cleared of all charges following sexual abuse allegations made against him.
Despite claiming that gay people make up 1.5% of the population (she previously claimed the figure was 3%), she wrote “there seem to be hundreds of” gay MPs, “all in important positions and giving each other favours.”
Going on, she wrote: “That is a violation of democracy.”
Dr Gasper refers to allegations made that Grindr was used during the 2011 Tory party conference in Manchester to advertise a sex party, to call for the gay social app to be banned. The expenses watchdog has said it will look into the claims.
“I call for the banning of Grindr and similar networks that damage public health,” she wrote.
The English Democrats, through spokesman and fellow European election candidate Steve Uncles, voiced support for Dr Gasper, claiming that she was “factually correct”, but also that she was simply expressing a “personal opinion.”
Uncles told BBC Radio 4: “I don’t think people should be persecuted for their sexuality in any way but I think what we want is a certain amount of subtleness about things and a certain amount of discreteness.”
He went on: “That is Julia Gasper’s personal opinion and actually she’s factually correct – as a proportion the amount of people who identify themselves as gay is probably less than 1% of the population.”
Dr Gasper’s Facebook page supporting her campaign currently has 162 likes.
Dr Gasper previously wrote that gay people needed to stop “complaining about persecution” and start expressing “gratitude” to straight people, on whom they are reliant to be born.
She also said that PinkNews readers should be sectioned under the Mental Health Act, and used the UKIP forum to brand the gay rights movement a “lunatics charter”.
The English Democrats campaign for Britain to leave the EU and for an English parliament to be established.