Michael Sam’s agent: Oprah documentary will not film in the Rams stadium

Michael Sam’s agent has said that an upcoming documentary about the player announced by Oprah Winfrey will not be allowed to film with his new team.
However, according to his agent Cameron Weiss, it will not interfere with his playing career because the film-makers won’t be allowed in the stadium.
Weiss said: “OWN’s cameras would never be able to go to the Rams’ facility to be inside the locker room, to get on the field, because nobody has those rights besides the NFL.
“It wasn’t asked at all. We wouldn’t put the Rams in that position.”
He said the documentary would be about “Mike’s personal reactions, and not even on his training days [but] on his off days away from the team — things that give us insight to his private and personal life, and into his journey, and what’s going on inside of his head.
“Obviously, we all know there are going to be certain outlets and people that aren’t going to treat him as just a football player, and we view it as important for people to see what this individual is going through.
“It’s something that will probably never be replicated and has the potential to change lives.
“Now, is that Mike that’s going out there and doing that, or is it the story that’s being told by OWN and the trust that we’re putting in Oprah and the things that she’s done at her network? I think you have your answer right there.
“There’s always pro and cons when you’re talking about a decisions like this.”