English Democrats intend to join up with anti-Semitic and homophobic party in Europe

The chairman of right wing political party the English Democrats has announced that the party will work with extreme right parties in Europe, should its candidates be elected.
The announcement was made by Robin Tillbrook on BBC News, and was repeated by former UKIP candidate Julia Gasper who recently said she hoped “queer gangsters” would be “killed” by the “guilt” of same-sex marriage.
She wrote: “Robin Tilbrook, Chairman, English Democrats has confirmed on BBC News (Live) that the English Democrats intend to work with Marie Le Pen (Front National – France) & Geert Wilders (Dutch Freedom Party) if elected to the European Union to ‘destroy the EU from within’.”
French Front National party leader Marine Le Pen this week became embroiled in a fight with UKIP leader Nigel Farage, who accused her party of “anti-semitism and general prejudice.”
The French National Front is known for being homophobic and anti-same-sex marriage.
Mr Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom Party has recently been accused of saying he wanted there to be “fewer Moroccans” in Holland, but is known to be pro-gay. He and Le Pen agreed to form an alliance in the European Parliament.
An invitation was extended to UKIP, which Nigel Farage declined, despite saying he thought Le Pen had achieved “remarkable things” in France.
The English Democrats manifesto reads: “It is often overlooked that our society is founded on the institutions of marriage and family life. The family is the place where cultural and moral values are most successfully passed from one generation to the next.
“The English Democrats favour the promotion of marital families, consisting of mother, father and children, as the preferred building block of our society.
“The English Democrats wish to create a social and financial environment where men and women can enjoy the opportunity of a career and also raise a family.”
English Democrats MEP candidate Julia Gasper recently called for Grindr to be banned, and saying Daniel Radcliffe and a “queer mafia” were responsible for “victimising” former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich into stepping down, she has recently claimed that world AIDS day “celebrates” those who “spread” HIV.