UKIP councillor: It is a tragedy Section 28 was repealed, gays want to destroy the traditional family

A UKIP Parish Councillor has claimed it is a “tragedy” that Section 28, which prevented the discussion of homosexuality in schools, was ever repealed, because gays want to “destroy the traditional family”.
Iain McLaughlan, a UKIP member of Orton Waterville Parish Council in Peterborough, made the comments on Facebook in February, while praising Vladimir Putin for banning adoption by foreign gay couples.
According to the Mirror, he wrote: “Children need to be protected from the promotion of homosexuality, Margaret Thatcher was right to enact Section 28 in 1988. And it was a tragedy that it was repealed.”
He added: “I have met people who have decided to be homosexual. They went through a period where they were attracted to the opposite sex and decided to be homosexual.
“I have nothing against homosexuals. I have been called one many a time. I think children should be protected from the promotion of homosexuality.”
He added that Section 28 was introduced because “some Labour councils were promoting [homosexuality]”, and that “the gay manifesto some years ago, I think from 1977, wanted to ‘destroy the heterosexual family’.”
A month later, he described abortion as a “modern day holocaust”.
Nigel Farage recently claimed he was unaware of a UKIP councillor who called for “poofters” to be shot, and complained: “All anyone wants to do is talk about the idiots in UKIP”, but that the media doesn’t ask the same questions to the main political parties when controversy occurs.
When UKIP MEP Roger Helmer, who is running for Parliament next week in the UKIP by-election, made a series of anti-gay comments, Farage claimed that ‘most’ over-70s feel uncomfortable with gays.