‘God Hates Fags’ church releases homophobic Frozen ‘Let It Go’ cover

The anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church has released a homophobic cover version of ‘Let It Go’.
The extremist church, known for its picketing of funerals, pride marches and other events with “god hates fags” signs – unveiled the Disney cover on their website.
New lyrics include:
Your sin shines bright in this nation tonight
Not a good heart to be seen
A kingdom of fornication, and it looks like fags are queen
The mobs are howling as the heathen rage and cry
Tried to warn we all, heaven knows we tried.
While the chorus has been changed to:
Let it go, let it go, don’t give the fags any more,
Let it go, let it go, kick them out and slam the door.
We don’t care what lying preachers say,
Let the mob rage on,
We’re still gonna warn you all anyway.
Frozen has been targeted by other right-wing groups in the past, over objections to the ‘bestiality’ friendship between Sven and Kristoff, and the hints that sauna owner Oaken is gay.
Last year, an Equality House was established across the road from the Westboro Baptist Church church, and a same-sex wedding ceremony was held there last June.
Following the death of the church’s pastor Fred Phelps, his grandson Zach Phelps-Roper split away from the church and condemned it a a “mind trap”.
He recently claimed that his grandfather had recanted his anti-gay views before his death, leading to him being forced out the church by the more militant members.