Oklahoma candidate: Gay people are ‘worthy of death’ and should be stoned

A House candidate in the state of Oklahoma who admits that he wants to apply “Biblical principles to the law”, has said that gay people are “worthy of death”, and should be stoned.
ThinkProgress reports that Scott Esk wrote the comments on Facebook last summer, and when challenged said violence against gay people is “in the old testament under a law that came directly from God.”
The site reports that he made the comments on a story about Pope Francis asking “who am I to judge” gay priests.
“I think we would be totally in the right to do it,” Esk wrote of stoning gay people.
“That goes against some parts of libertarianism, I realize, and I’m largely libertarian, but ignoring as a nation things that are worthy of death is very remiss.” “If men wink at such perversions, God may have no choice than to judge such nations with calamities.”
Esk has declined to speak to the media about his comments.