US: Wisconsin couples to get full marriage license fee refund following stay

Gay couples in one Wisconsin county will get their full marriage license fee refunded, after a court halted same-sex marriages.
US District Judge Barbara Crabb struck down the state’s same-sex marriage ban on Friday 6, leading to some counties issuing marriage licences immediately.
However, after Attorney General JB Van Hollen appealed, on Friday 13 Crabb last Friday agreed to halt her ruling, stopping all new marriages until the appeal concludes.
The clerk in the county of Outagamie – which had maintained a five-day waiting period – had earlier today said that same-sex couples who were not able to marry before the second ruling would not be refunded their full marriage license fee.
Couples were charged $100 each to apply for the license – $55 for the state and $45 for the county.
Couples requesting a refund were been told they would receive the state portion back, but not the money charged by the county, because the service they paid for “had been provided”, even though they could not marry.
However, following press coverage, Outagamie County Executive Tom Nelson has said couples will now get the full $100 refund.
He added that the licenses of people who do not seek a refund will be held at the clerk’s office should the stay be lifted.
Over 550 same-sex couples married in the state, in the week marriage was available.