Florida activist: Legalising same-sex marriage would be like lynching people

A Florida anti-gay activist has claimed that a judge would be “judicially lynching” people if she legalised same-sex marriage.
At a protest outside the court, Eladio Jose Armesto, of the Florida Democratic League, said: “No one can rule against the constitution.
“She would be doing no more or no less than the Ku Klux Klan did in the early part of the last century, where they hanged people for going out to vote.
“The people of Florida have voted. The judge is able to respect that vote, uphold the rule of law and uphold the constitution.
“This is nothing more than a judicial lynching of the people of Florida.
“This is a mockery of justice, it’s a travesty. The judge should have thrown this lawsuit out because it violates her authority, her dignity, and her integrity as a member of the judiciary.
“I do not know what she is going to do. I do hope that she will uphold her oath of office, otherwise she will be in great trouble.”
The Florida Democratic Party has previously threatened the group with legal action, after Armesto claimed to be affiliated with the party.