Israel: Jerusalem Pride parade postponed due to Gaza conflict

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Jerusalem’s Pride parade has been postponed due to security fears following the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

The organisers of the Parade, the Jewish Open House for Pride and Tolerance, have announced that the parade, due to take place later this month, has been delayed until August 14, and will now directly address the conflict with an anti-racism theme.

A statement released yesterday reads: “Two days ago, a community committee gathered to discuss the production of the Jerusalem Pride March in light of the current events in Israel.

“Though difficult, the committee decided both to postpone the event, and to change the theme of the event.

“The LGBT community in Jerusalem is not an isolated island. We have a responsibility to lead the healing of our city. Racism and homophobia are one and the same thing. One cannot tackle homophobia without combating racism.

“The new date that was chosen for the Jerusalem Pride March is August 14th. The new theme of the event is ā€œRacism and Homophobia are one and the same thingā€.

“The events in Jerusalem have played a significant role in the spread of violence around the country. Thus, the healing of Jerusalem will be at the core of a healing process for the region.

“The LGBT community in Jerusalem has always been a beacon of tolerance in the city.

“Several of our community members defended Palestinian residents from being lynched by racist groups. LGBT Jerusalemites are at the forefront of the effort to put out the flames of violence.”

The Pride parade in Tel Aviv, which is the biggest in the Middle East, drew a crowd of over 100,000 peopleĀ last month.

In Ukraine earlier this month, Kyiv Pride was cancelled at the last minute after the cityā€™s mayor claimed it was not the time for “entertainment events”Ā due to the continuing separatistĀ violence.