US: Christian group ‘fasting’ to oppose same-sex marriage says members can still eat food
A Christian group that is planning a ‘fast’ in opposition to same-sex marriage has claimed that members don’t actually have to stop eating food to take part.
The Virginia-based Family Foundation announced a coordinated fast earlier this month, in order to influence the US Supreme Court into rejecting same-sex marriage when it hears the first of a series of appeals cases in October.
The group had said previously: “The Supreme Court begins their session on October 6th. We fully expect them to take a marriage case sometime in the next year.
“Join us for 40 Days of Prayer, Fasting and Repentance for Marriage from August 27 through October 5, 2014.
“Our 40 Days will culminate on October 5th just before the court begins their session.”
However, the group has since told members that they don’t actually have to give up food at all to take part in the ‘fast’.
They wrote: “We are asking the entire Body of Christ to join us for this feast – giving up physical food isn’t necessary – but feeding on the spiritual food provided is vital.”
As people don’t actually have to give up food to take part, the group opposed to re-defining the definition of marriage seem to be re-defining the meaning of a fast.
They have also made a mock ‘prescription’ to promote the event.
Watch the group’s creepy movie-style trailer below: