US radio host: The Gay Games tries to ‘disguise the truth’ about homosexuality

A US radio host has taken aim at the Gay Games, currently taking place in Cleveland, Ohio, saying that it “tries to disguise the truth” that gay people are at higher health risks than straight people.
Thousands headed for Cleveland, Ohio, for the opening ceremony of the 9th Gay Games at the weekend.
Linda Harvey, of Mission America, spoke on her radio show about the Gay Games, saying: “Why do we need events like this which give legitimacy to a deviant and harmful lifestyle? The purpose of the Gay Games may well be to try to create a different impression and disguise the truth, which is that homosexuality is associated with much higher health risks and it is not life-honoring and life-giving behavior but the opposite.”
“God never intended, as we are told in scripture, for humans to pair up with the same-sex and it is shameful that leaders in the Republican Party are endorsing such immorality.”
Cleveland was selected back in 2009 for the competition which features athletes of all ages, gay and straight and male and female.
The United Church of Christ has been announced as the first denomination to sponsor the Gay Games.
The church is a silver sponsor of the games, the fourth highest membership of eleven levels.