US Rep asks Michigan to stop defending same-sex marriage ban

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A US Representative has asked the Governor of Michigan to stop defending his state’s ban on same-sex marriage.

Representative Dan Kildee, pushed Governor Rick Snyder to drop the lawsuit defending the state ban, saying he would regret being “on the wrong side of history.”

Kildee compared Snyder’s defensive stance to Alabama Governor George Wallace, a racial segregationist in the 1960s.

He launched a petition asking people to urge Snyder, as well as Attorney General Bill Schuette, to drop their support of an appeal to uphold the ban.

ā€œSimply put, Gov. Snyder and Attorney General Schuette are on the wrong side of history when it comes to ensuring equal rights for LGBT Michiganders,ā€ Kildee wrote in the appeal.

A spokeswoman for Snyder said Kildee’s comments were “counter-productive” and “divisive”, stating that the Governor had an obligation to defend the ban.