Photos: #WhatBiLooksLike brings bisexual visibility to Twitter

The hashtag #WhatBiLooksLike is challenging assumptions made about people who identify as bisexual.
The hashtag, started by The Huffington Post on Twitter, has inspired bisexual people to submit photos of what bisexual looks like for them.
The Huffington Post’s Noah Michelson wrote of the project: “All too often bisexual people see themselves, their lives and their experiences questioned, invalidated and erased, both by mainstream society and also by other queers.
“Bi people are told that they ‘don’t really exist’ or that they’re ‘greedy’ or ‘just can’t make up their minds.’
“But we know none of that is true.”
Here are some of our favourite photos from the hashtag:
I am a minister in the #pcusa & pretty invisible in the #church as #bisexual. I am one example of #whatbilookslike
— Janet Edwards (@RevJanetEdwards) August 13, 2014
@huffpostgay 28/female/LA/PuertoRican/Writer/Actress/Dancer/Writer/Daughter/Niece/Cousin/Hippie #whatbilookslike
— Michelle Denise (@MDeeDivine) August 13, 2014
.@huffpostgay #whatbilookslike it looks athletic, college educated, employed, happy, out & proud! #bisexual #bi #LGBT
— Alex Berg (@AlexfromPhilly) August 11, 2014
#whatbilookslike Putting some #trans visibility into the hashtag. Remember, bi is not always cis <3
— Wiktor Dynarski (@wiktordynarski) August 18, 2014
There are definitely bi guys #whatbilookslike @huffpostgay
— Miley’s Bae (@Slay_PDub_Slay) August 12, 2014
#whatbilookslike Bi-identified since 1976 — that’s 38 years, so far.
— Robyn Ochs (@robynochs) August 12, 2014